Twin Flames in Separation reading.
Last photo is the overall arch of the 3 messages of each turned-card photo prior. Lots of stuff going on, in the 5D. Forgiveness & forward-movement; the return Friendship potential is high.
But… did Twin Flame learn to love himself? Can’t love another without that first step.
Looks like progress was made in that area.
9 of Wands indicates courage. Going against society’s grain in order to flow correct with your own isn’t easy.
Wonder if he knows he isn’t alone?
Decks used: Twin Flame Messages Vols 1 & 2 and Arrows of Love Oracle by Mystic Moon; Confessions of the Soul by Maid4Luv; Mystic Mondays Tarot by Grace Duong; The Romance Angel’s Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue; Angel Answers Oracle Cards by Radleigh Valentine; and Wisdom of the Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid.
#TwinFlames #orgonite by Wing & Bell. 🖤✨🖤