Last photo is the overall arch of the 3 messages of each turned-card photo prior. Lots of stuff going on, in the 5D. Forgiveness & forward-movement; the return Friendship potential is high.
First message
But… did Twin Flame learn to love himself? Can’t love another without that first step.
Second message
Looks like progress was made in that area.
Third message
9 of Wands indicates courage. Going against society’s grain in order to flow correct with your own isn’t easy.
Overall arch message
Wonder if he knows he isn’t alone?
“Climb to Safety” 🎶 – Widespread PanicBottom of the decks
Decks used: Twin Flame Messages Vols 1 & 2 and Arrows of Love Oracle by Mystic Moon; Confessions of the Soul by Maid4Luv; Mystic Mondays Tarot by Grace Duong; The Romance Angel’s Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue; Angel Answers Oracle Cards by Radleigh Valentine; and Wisdom of the Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid.
My older son texted me today that Lewistown community members were protesting on behalf of the Black Lives Matter movement.
It’s nice to hear that people are showing care… now.
Where was this care when I, alone, protested Blackface in elementary school wax museums (2012). When I, alone, protested the use of race colors in 4th-grade behavior systems (~2010). When I, alone, protested books with the word “nigger” being permitted during Lewistown Schools’ school-sanctioned events (“Family Fun Reading Night”, ~2008).
Eleven years I lived in Lewistown. Eleven years I fought alone. Only I stepped outside of a comfort zone. Only my voice made any sound. I no longer live in Lewistown; in that respect, Lewistown’s innate, systemic racism won whilst the people of Lewistown lost.
So yes, it’s bittersweet to hear Lewistown’s community is, finally, protesting against racism. However, talk is cheap, and systemic racism is a marathon.
It’ll be interesting to see if Lewistown and Central Montana can go the distance. I hope, for your own sake, you can.
Took a needed break from my blog as I dealt with offline life. Lot of painful Tower card moments -☇- but sometimes that’s how it rolls in order for one to get forward momentum, especially when so many blocks are stacked or chained to you, entrapment in what no longer serves you in the Good Way.
Betrayals and Soul-wounding, – breaking, from those who once vowed, “I would never.”
But it’s okay. Catalysts are often painful. And I made it through; moved myself and my kids from an intensely negative environment into a so much better one for us.
New town (city), new home, new job, new Life. Even a new (to me) car, because apparently my Sacred Peeps are thoroughly hardcore about my fresh start ?:
My new-to-me 2011 Sweet Suburban ride.
Also, a new outlook, as I let go of the pain and grip of the last 5-6 years, and live in my Present with an eye on my Future, returning to My Self.
Like the Phoenix, I Rise. You can’t keep a Good Woman down. ✨
Phoenix Rising, a Kimri tattoo, Element Tattoo, Bozeman, Montana.
But… At an immeasurable cost on the physical plane – the “3D” to those in the Know: my Twin Flame (Re)union. The Karmic won. My Truth, my warnings, fell on deaf ears, blinded eyes, and to my infinite shock, my TF chose the fool’s gold in the hand, instead of taking a risk on a 24k future.
And it’s taken a while for me to recover from that blow; I’m still healing, over a year later. Yet I still struggled, because I made promises, vows. How to fulfill them with such a jagged, harsh, negative fracture between us? How could I possibly tell him he is forgiven?
The 5D. I’ve been working on it. Working to fulfill my end of the sacred bargain, because at the end of the day, it’s my Soul I see when I look in the mirror. I don’t renege.
Then I stumbled upon this video on YouTube:
Twin Flame Revolution: Why you don’t have to wait for your Twin Flame.
So, I’m okay. I’m better than okay, and improving – gaining Strength – by the second. I have Me, my Kids, my Dog. I have Everything. Life is Good and I am Blessed. Thank You. ?? ??