After bringing it up the other day, this morning’s errand-run brought forth nothing but repeating numbers and MT Griz license plates! ? (And this style in particular.)Montana Grizzlies license plate – Go Griz! I get it — sorta/kinda — yet I’m unsure just what I’m supposed to do with this information (and what actually is contained within the message, cause obviously there is a message, and just as clear, more than one.) Does it mean I’ll be moving my family to Missoula? Does it mean I’ll be meeting someone from Missoula? Or someone who is a University of Montana graduate? All of the above?
00, 11, 22, 33, 55… And of course, my personal favorite, 1026. Dafuq? 11… 22… 33…Understood: It’s a Message. Also understood: It’s a Message that needs definition. So I start at my “go-to” repeating numbers definition site: Angel Numbers for a baseline concept. (And, incidentally, it’s no accident that I added a zero to my website domain name.) It’s a well-known understanding that repeating numbers is likely the most common attention-grabbing tactic. And is usually means to pay attention to what you were thinking at the time of noticing the repeating numbers or seconds before or after.
(One thing I have noticed and it seems like it’s becoming a more solidified approach: When I notice a number combination that equates to a known person’s birthday, it means I will be dealing with that person in some fashion sooner rather than later. — Just a little something to keep in mind. ? XenaFor example, my youngest daughter’s birthday is 7-28. I’ve been seeing that number a lot lately, and it usually coincides with her having a concern that needs prompt addressing, so I should be certain to pay closer attention to her than usual. Recently, this led to her unbridled joy about a kitty she wants to adopt from a friend. So I guess we’ll be welcoming a new addition to our family soon.)
Understanding repeating numbers is a continual work-in-progress. The repeated Montana Grizzlies plates thing is new. LOL… Yet I know there’s relevance due to the sheer number of Montana Grizzles/University of Montana plates I saw this morning, all before 10:26 AM (and the athletic scholarship plate emphasized.) Hmm. Guess I’ll have to wait and see. As usual. ?
PS – HA! Just noticed when I published this? 11:11 AM. How appropriate. LOL ?