TF Reading

Twin Flames in Separation reading.

TF 5D Communication

Last photo is the overall arch of the 3 messages of each turned-card photo prior. Lots of stuff going on, in the 5D. Forgiveness & forward-movement; the return Friendship potential is high.

First message

But… did Twin Flame learn to love himself? Can’t love another without that first step.

Second message

Looks like progress was made in that area.

Third message

9 of Wands indicates courage. Going against society’s grain in order to flow correct with your own isn’t easy.

Overall arch message

Wonder if he knows he isn’t alone?

“Climb to Safety” 🎶 – Widespread Panic
Bottom of the decks

Decks used: Twin Flame Messages Vols 1 & 2 and Arrows of Love Oracle by Mystic Moon; Confessions of the Soul by Maid4Luv; Mystic Mondays Tarot by Grace Duong; The Romance Angel’s Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue; Angel Answers Oracle Cards by Radleigh Valentine; and Wisdom of the Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid.

#TwinFlames #orgonite by Wing & Bell. 🖤✨🖤

Author: StormCloud

"Caught a Bolt of Lightning⚡Cursed the Day He Let It Go 🎶" - Nothingman, Pearl Jam