Sorry about the Rumpelstiltskin-esque tantrum in my previous post.
Twin Flame Issues. When the ride is bumpy, sometimes I feel there’s nothing else you can do but jump up and down in a hissy fit and scream.
That solves nothing, of course. But sometimes it helps by releasing a tiny bit of the pressure. (Not really.)
What needs to be understood is that I’ve been dealing with this cursed petrification for years. I think I’ve tried everything in the Good Way that I’m capable of doing… to no avail. And now I’m witnessing the devastation of what won’t be without even so much as hearing why. I’m a strong person; I can cope with just about anything. But knowing why? makes it an issue of respect and care. It certainly makes it easier for me to do the difficult and excruciating task of stepping back and walking away. Huh. Makes me wonder then… Guess someone doesn’t want that Finality.
At this point though… The cake is gone. TFB. Sink or swim, motherfucker.
Speaking of Swimming…
Remember my post about seeing a whale tail cloud formation? Well, I’m the half of the Twin Flame pair who gets and accepts it. Who recognizes our Connection for the true Blessing it is, even as I’m forced to feel it in mono rather than stereo surround. Part of being the Recognizer is not ducking Signs when Shown them. Couldn’t get much bigger than a whale tail. Come on: It’s a WHALE. ? ?
So in honor of that (among other things which I’m not going to share cause I don’t know ya’ll) Most Excellent “Girl Who Likes to Color” Kimri ? at Element Tattoo in Bozeman, Montana, hooked me up as she so often does (cause she Rocks.)