I missed being at the Big Spring Skatepark opening in L-town because my Mom is #1 and I only get to see her about once a year.
Luckily, my Homeboy Charlie D. was able to represent for me and Jeff was very kind to oblige.?
“Caught a Bolt of Lightning⚡… Cursed the Day He Let It Go ?” is my favorite lyric ever in a favorite of many favorite Pearl Jam songs.
Got the tattoo almost 3 years ago. A friend graciously wrote out the lyric for me because it needed his handwriting. My ‘Girl Kimri Rosaluna inked it into my skin. Someday I’ll be ash yet “Nothingman” ? will resonate in my soul forever.
Thank you again, Charlie! ?
#PearlJam #JeffAment #Autograph #Tattoo #ElementTattooBoz #MPS #MontanaPoolService #MakeItHappenMT #CentralMontana